How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
I was pointed towards this great book by Susan Branch via her delightful blog. It's quite an interesting read with lots of exercises for stimulating fresh thought and creativity! Right now I'm simply reading through the book. Once I've read through it, I'll go back and do some of the exercises it suggests. Reading this book makes me realize what a wonderful upbringing I had, as my parents regularly encouraged my sister and I in many of the directions this book suggests!
Also on my Kindle is Village School (Fairacre)
I first read this book many years ago. I was a young stay at home mom in those days, busy with all the activities that come with a houseful of four young children. Life seemed impossibly busy at the time and reading the Fairacre books by Miss Read was a delightful break and a look at a somewhat gentler life. I remember how I loved finding yet another Miss Read book at the library to bring home and savor! Now I'm re-reading it along with Leslie at Wisteria & Sunshine. Delightful!